The following papers were presented at the International Conference of Landcare Studies_Nov 2017_Japan. They are all tabled in pdf format with permission from each of the presenters. We thank them all for their willingness to share!
[In order to upload some files, they have been greatly reduced in quality – our apologies for any ‘fuzzy’ images]
See the full Proceedings_Abstracts_1st International Conference of Landcare Studies_here
Session 1: The Critical Role of Local Self-Reliance in Achieving Global Sustainability
Keynote_Landcare_grassroots environmental governance for the Anthropocene_AndrewCampbell
More than 30 years of Landcare’ in Australia_LisaRobins
Community-based Governance for Global Sustainability_GrahamMarshall
A sustainable rural Landcare resourcing model_Paul Martin
Fostering the ability to look after our own backyard_Sonia Williams
Session 2: What Makes Local Self-Reliance Deliver on Sustainability?
Keynote_Keys to self reliance_Joseph Runzo-Inada
Key Concepts for the Autonomy of Local Community Groups and their Activities_Tomomi Maekawa
Landcare in Uganda Food Security and Livelihoods – Clinton Muller
Everyone Everywhere Landcare_Andrea Mason
Scaling up climate smart agriculture _Francis Steyn
Session 3: Landcare Practice Models and Pragmatics
Keynote_Landcare Praxis_Jen Quealy
Place-Based Education For Sustainability_Beatrice Dossah
Community led catchment management_Nick Edgar
Intrepid Landcare_Megan Rowlatt
Landcare Infrastructure_Rob Youl
Session 4: Landcare as a Transformative Agent in Crises (Including Natural Disasters and Emergencies
Keynote_Community as transformation agent and the temporality of disaster_Stewart Lockie
Lessons from the field_Mary Johnson
Skillset_environment_Ashley Bland
Landcare and a pond irrigation system_Kazuki Kagohashi
Session 5: Innovation and Risk Taking through Landcare Approaches
Keynote_Learning like crazy_Prototypes, heuristics and emergent practices_Ross Colliver
Landcare – leveraging the opaque to build resilience_Pip Job
Renewable energy and community_Tokihiko Fujimoto
Landcare-Caring for Country_Liddy Neville
Session 6: Systemic Change and Merging Discourses
Keynote_Cross Scale Stewardship Capacity of Community Based Resource Management Organizations_Yvonne Everett
The Meaning of Support_Kaye Rodden_Terry Hubbard
What might Australia’s ‘Landcare’ contribute to achieving the SDGs_Lisa Robins
Landcare as an Exploration of Means of Implementing the Principle of Subsidiarity_Michael Siegel
Strengthening National Governance Systems to Support Local Self Reliance_Allan Dale
Renewable energy and community_Tokihiko Fujimoto