Global Landcare (GL) is a not for profit community group which the spreads the values and practices of Landcare across the globe.
Our Purpose
Our Vision
Restored and resilient landscapes/environment/waters with healthy, happy and inclusive communities through people collectively caring for their land and water.
Our Mission
Provide resources (people, knowledge, skills, models, networks and funds) to support promotion and adoption of the Landcare approach in communities across the globe.
By empowering communities, Landcare promotes the transfer of skills and knowledge, better use of natural resources, and collaborative involvement in land and water management and restoration.
Landcare is a very effective enabler in the global campaign to improve food security, mitigate the impacts of climate change and increase biodiversity. It also helps afflicted communities to recover after disasters.
Our goal is to use our collective Landcare experience to help people in other countries manage their land and water resources more sustainably by:
- Promoting Landcare to national and international organisations as a sustainable way to manage natural resources for food production and resource conservation.
- Supporting a Landcare approach within local communities in various countries.
- Training participants across the globe in Landcare
- Making connections between people and projects worldwide.
Global Landcare can draw upon a wide range of expertise through its specific database of members and its wider network. It has good relationships with various organisations, both corporate and government.
Global Landcare is continually seeking funding from various sources in both the corporate and government sectors to develop new projects.
Become a member or get your company or organisation involved.
What is Global Landcare ?
Global Landcare began in 2020 and many of its members have been involved in Landcare at policy, program and operational levels for more than 30 years. Many bring international experience in agricultural, forestry and environmental management.
At the The International Conference of Landcare Studies – Global resilience through local self-reliance – the Landcare model, in Nagoya, Japan Nov 2017 65 Landcare practitioners and academics from 11 countries declared that it is vital that we expand on the relationships and sharing of knowledge from this conference to create a global network. They determined that:
- Landcare values and principles could significantly contribute to grassroots activities for sustainable agriculture, climate adaptation and mitigation, social and environmental wellbeing, and could therefore contribute significantly to the achievements of the SDGs.
- All of this is possible through a network which facilitates adequate partnerships, collaborations and the provision of resources (knowledge, skills, information, training etc.) to deliver capacity building at a local, regional, national and global level. Landcare develops this kind of network.
- We therefore recommend more investment be made in social infrastructure and on-ground action through Landcare, to help achieve the NDCs for mitigation and adaption.
The international Landcare networks – the Secretariat for International Landcare (SILC), Australian Landcare International (ALI) and Landcare International (LI) have united to form Global Landcare in October 2020.
Landcare’s environmental and social achievements over the last three decades justify taking it to the global stage.
Landcare began in Australia in 1986 and is based on local community groups working to improve the conservation values, natural resource management (NRM) and productive resources of their area to ensure sustainable communities. It has been an effective way to reduce the impacts of soil erosion, salinity, pest plants and animals, and to improve the habitat of native fauna and flora in Australia. In doing so it has also improved farm production.
The growth of Landcare in Australia has been rapid with 5000 groups formed across the country within the first 15 years. Landcare groups work in partnership with government, corporates and NGOs to achieve their aims. While most groups are based in rural areas, some are urban based and concentrate on improving conservation values in public parks and reserves.
The Landcare approach is described by many as:
1. community based (for decisions and actions) as local groups
2. Improving natural resource management for production and conservation
3. Open to partnerships for information, funding and other opportunities
4. Individual groups autonomous in their management (no hierarchy).